Saturday, 2 January 2010

My Se-Qu-eL To Basic Algebra, But Actually Useful This Time Around (Session 7)

Doing complicated things on a black screen makes me feel smart. Following the directions, I am rushing through the exercises, and I love it. It reminds me of algebra class, like I am writing math. SQL commands are fantastic. This is how we find things, how we impose order on heaps of information. I am pleased that I can query effectively within a given set of rules.

SQL is a programming language that deals with files that are in a DATABASE format. You can create tables by choosing the relevant data as necessary (ordered by column) in order to make it useful for those who need to use the database to get information. (Lecture materials)

I searched SQL on Google and learned it is a language that was based on relational algebra. It is satisfying that my first reaction to SQL was the same as when I learned basic algebra. I attempted to make a database table that contained my favorite magazines and publishers and category names. It didn’t work. But if someone were writing the code, I believe I could guide them well in which publications were important within a given subject and the appropriate publisher’s name.


  1. I hope you'll like SQL Exercises:

  2. hey thanks for this!!! will look at them this weekend as I am wrapping up my other assessments. I need to get a really good working understanding of SQL becasue I know that the marketplace needs more librarians who speak the programmers language, and much better libraries can be created this way ... hope you come back to my blog. I have tried to mix fun with the subject matter. Will have more posts at the end of the month!
