Saturday, 2 January 2010

Graphic Designers Have Painstaking Jobs (Session 4)

Amazing - I have updated my webpage in my own html with a picture of my mother and me in Paris and an image of David Hockney from The New York Times, because today was all about images and graphics.

To view my altogether pathetic work please click on the following: Maria's HTML

I followed course instructions with images – manipulated them, changed sizes and colors with IrfanView 4.23. It was straightforward but I don’t enjoy the work. It’s great to know what is available, if needed, but I will post pictures on my blog with the tools available through Blogspot, and leave graphic design to the designers. For my marketing work I use MailingManager which allows images to be uploaded and manipulated (size, color, and quality).

The difference between a GIF and a JPG is the amount of information stored in each (bits per pixel). JPG stores millions of colors but has limited use on the WWW. More programs can read GIFs as they display only 256 colors, making them perfect for the WWW as they are easier to process and have the maximum amount of color that the WWW can handle. PNGs lose no information when they are shrunk in size because they use the fewest bits per pixel, thereby making them ideal for web pages, but they have a limited color palette so they have largely fallen out of use. (Reference)

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