Monday 12 October 2009

MY 3rd DITA Session and I have made first two html files of my life!

The amazing part of this session is I finally figured out have to control my own blog if my coputer is acting funny. I have had issues with my ability to embed links into my posts on this blog. And now I think I can fix them.
This is incredibly empowering for me as an budding information manager because I really don't want to have to call IT every time I have a problem like this.
I hope to build my html skills at least to a rudimentary level so I can start posting my own urls if i need to in case of an emergency sometime when it is urgent that i share information to a group quickly.
I am really pleased with this section of the course and will be spending lots of time this week practicing so I can hone my skills - I will be posting again to keep a record of my development.

Also I just spoke with my colleague and realised that when we 'published' our html, it had to be through a specific server, not on our workstation's hard drive, and not through the general internet - this further illuminates the interactiosn of the world wide web, that my workstation HD can not speak to all workstations in the school - my code must be uploaded to a specific server in order for it to be shared with my colleagues at City University, and with is a server that i can only get access to with passwords if I am not sitting at a comuter in the City U system, where I can launch the server from my start menu.

This will get even more interesting once I try and publish html onto from home.
The second module of this course was largely historical and contexual. I understand it is important to keep my vocabularly growing so I think I will just make a list of keywords for the second session's entry.


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