Monday, 23 November 2009

DITA Session 8

So I am using boolean search terms in Bing

all of these terms "arts & crafts movement" AND "architecture" AND "best"
throws up great results
in fact even better than when I did not specify 'all of these terms' in the searchbox

When I replaced AND with or in the exact same query as above it gave me results I have no interest in, in fact most were about cooking and recipes!!!

No one has an answer for me if I search askign for the exact phrase "Who is the best architect in the arts and crafts movement?"

Not suprising - I am sure that is up for debate, although in my opinion it is Frank Lloyd Wright.

 Onto the next experiment ...

Creating inverted files.

I understand it - I guess I am suppossed to make two different documents and create inverted files.

I will make them in an excel spreadsheet

I will use

DOC 1: durer and the rabbit statue in nuremberg
DOC 2: gothic sculpture photographed and archived in collection

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Wise words on marraige

I hold this to be the highest task for the bond between two people: That each protects the solitude of the other- Rainer Maria Rilke

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


I know how to do complicated things on a black screen and it makes me feel super smart.

It reminds me of algebra class for some reason.

I am writing math.

SQL commands.  AWESOME.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Copyright law is really complicated

Our ideas about copyright have changed dramatically with the widespread use of computers

A drop down menu on a piece of software used to be a copyright infringement if you had a drop down menu in your software that had a similar 'look & feel'

7 years later - a menu became considered a 'mode of operation' and therefore not a work of copyright.

Reading about this makes my brain feel like exploding!

LIbrarians are on the forefront of new journalism

In essence I am probably getting a better education that those at Columbia Journalism School, with a much more solid career before me.

The truth of it hit me when my professor Lyn Robinson joked that librarians should become journalists.

I believe that we are in essence already jounalists.

Newpapers are dying. Staff reporters are getting laid off everywhere.

Digital Information Managers/Librarians/Knowledge Managers are at the forefront of reallocating monies - they have the closet ties to government and industry and academia.

Conde Nast is shrinking, the NYT is haemmoraging - publishers have no readers anymore.

Librarians will redefine Access digitally.

Even TV journalism has become a TV circus proganda wheel to drive up viewership - and that isn't working either, viewership is dropping - even worse for budding journalists if you aren't an actor you can't be a'journalist' on TV anymore (Gus Van Sant's To Die For is a great portrayal of an 'aspirng TV journalist) .  Librarians are heading up YouTube, the biggest online archive of video.

Anyway these are all just ideas floating around in my head now.  Back to reading.

Monday, 9 November 2009

DITA Session 6 Reflections

I feel this need to write code and I am limited bc I don't know the language well enough.

I love how intuitive this all is and bc I love writing I am all the more frustrated by my lack of second nature ability to just write away. I could structure these things for hours.

Cascadign Style Sheets are my answer to so much ... I can see why peopel who are good at them pay so much for them. As a librarian it is important to be able to interface with colleagues within your work that are masters of these style sheets, as otherwise your users would not like using your resources and find it very frustrating.

A website or portal for information should be layed out and presented in an way that engages and is easy/efficient for the user. Style is key.

This is all very exciting for me - I am really understanding the different work that must be done to create efficient and useful and popluar information resources.

That being said I am frustrated by my lack of ability to rattle off code and work quickly. It is hard going back to school - patience is something I have lost as I have grown older, and it is essential I keep control over my frustration as this can't be learned in a heartbeat. It takes practice.

I can't wait unti I get my new big screen desktop - it will be so much easier for me to start looking at multiple frames!

Oh and another thing I did today was learn how to save my code correctly so it can be read by browsers. Didn't quite master that last session! Take a look at my first XML:


I suck.

I swear I will be bald by the end of this term from pulling on my hair.


Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Does online blogging mess with our minds?  Is it healthy?

Personally facebook is starting to make me ill I think - I don't enjoy it anymore - a diary is meant to be private so you you can speak freely and meaningfully to yourself.

I always censor myself on FB as it feels like I am onstage.  Those who aren't savvy enough to use it that way look stupid to me.